FlexForum Workshop: EV charging workplan Part 2

EV charging workplan Part 2

FlexForum is coordinating on behalf of EECA a co-design process to produce a workplan setting out the actions required for households and businesses to see flexible EV charging as the easy and obvious choice.   

Following on from the first workshop held 17 April 2024 when the pain points and issues confronting people making choices and flexible EV charging were identified, the next step is to identify the intervention points and options to help enable households and businesses to see flexible EV charging as the easy and obvious choice.

Workshop 2 will be online from 0930 to 1230 Wednesday 22 May 2024.

Come along if you are interested in contributing to a discussion about:

  1. Check our working and the list of pain points and issues to make sure we are not missing any material.
  2. Explore what has worked and not worked elsewhere.
  3. Share perspectives and experience about options that could help enable households and businesses to see flexible EV charging as the easy and obvious choice.

This session will provide the basis for a draft workplan listing the specific actions and tasks required for flexible EV charging to be the easy and obvious choice. 

People from organisations with a role in EV charging practices and outcomes or those who talk to households and businesses about EV charging choices. This includes, EV and EV charging manufacturers and suppliers, electricity distributors, electricity retailers, government and regulatory bodies, and consumer advocates. 


Get in touch at info@flexforum.nz if you want to be involved and attend the online workshop.

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