Session Notes

13 June 2024

The Steering Group discussed a range of matters relating to the workplan, engagement and finance-related matters and agreed to begin delivering the 2024 Workplan.

9 May 2024

The Steering Group discussed a range of matters relating to the workplan, engagement and finance-related matters and agreed to begin delivering the 2024 Workplan.

4 April 2024

The Steering group discussed a range of matters relating to the workplan, engagement and around how to keep our key objectives and results aligned to the Flexforum’s main purpose.

7 March 2024

In this month’s meeting the Steering group’s key discussions revolved around FlexForum’s progress against the flexibility plan and how can we amplify our core message.

2 February 2024

The Steering Group agreed to sign an MOU and separate funding agreement with Ara Ake, discussed how to coordinate with observers from regulatory and policy bodies.

13 December 2023

In the December 13, 2023, Steering Group meeting of the FlexForum, key discussions revolved around engagement activities

30 November 2023

The FlexForum’s meeting on 30 November 2023 concentrated on setting a vision for 2030, highlighting renewable energy and the shift towards a decarbonised future

22 November 2023

The FlexForum Steering Group’s meeting on 22 November 2023 focused on strategic planning for 2030

12 October 2023

The FlexForum Steering Group’s meeting on 12 October 2023 addressed membership dynamics, financial strategies, and operational advancements

7 September 2023

The FlexForum Steering Group’s virtual meeting on 7 September 2023 focused on enhancing collaborative efforts and strategic planning

24 August 2023

In the FlexForum’s workshop on 24 August 2023, members focused on defining the forum’s direction for the next 10 months

9 August 2023

In the Steering Group meeting on 9 August 2023, the FlexForum covered a range of procedural matters

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